During an optimization, if a higher rate is available to you, funds will be transferred from your lower-yielding savings account(s) to your core checking account, and then from your core checking account to your highest-yielding accounts, by default up to the FDIC insurance limit in each account. All transfers and optimizations are routed through your core checking account so you can track all your activity through one central account. Each step of the optimization takes 1-3 business days to complete, and most optimizations are completed within 2-4 business days. 

To view details about your current or past optimizations:

  1. Log into your Max Dashboard.

  2. Click “Optimizations” at the top of the page.

  3. Scroll down the page, past the chart, to view a list of your “Optimizations and Transfers.”

  4. Click the link next to the date of your Optimization to view details.

If you have questions about an optimization, please contact us at member.services@maxmyinterest.com