Occasionally, optimizations might result in no movement of funds among your accounts. No funds transfers will occur if:

1) Your funds are already optimally distributed across your accounts.

Max will automatically check your balances again next month. You can also initiate an additional optimization in between scheduled optimizations using Max's Optimize On-Demand feature.

2) Your total (or available) cash balances are less than your target checking account balance. As a result, there are no excess funds to allocate to your higher-yielding savings account(s).

You can lower your target checking account balance by clicking on the gear icon to the upper-right of your checking account balance on your Max Dashboard. For detailed instructions, click here.

3) Max cannot access your checking account. 

This can occur if you have recently changed your bank login information. Follow the on-screen prompts to re-link your checking account to Max.

4) Your Max Checking deposit is not yet available.

If you signed up for a Max Checking account and you have recently deposited funds into your Max Checking account from an external source, it is possible that your funds are on hold by the bank. Once the funds become part of your available balance, these funds will be included in your next optimization.

Should you have any additional questions about your optimization, please contact us at member.services@maxmyinterest.com and we would be pleased to assist.