With monthly optimizations enabled, Max will help you maintain a set balance in your core checking account equal to your Target Balance. With this in mind, you can set up regular contributions or withdrawals from your core checking account, and Max will help you optimally allocate your funds to/from Optimized Savings to top up the balance in your core checking account each month.
To set up recurring deposits:
Log into your Max Dashboard.
Click “Checking” at the top of the page.
Click (Show Details) to display the account and routing number for your core checking account.
In a separate window or tab, log into your external bank’s online banking portal.
Link your core checking account using the account and routing number.
Once your account is linked, you can use your bank’s online banking portal to set up recurring deposits into your core checking account.
To set up recurring withdrawals:
Log into your Max Dashboard.
Click “Checking” at the top of the page.
Click (Show Details) to display the account and routing number for your core checking account.
In a separate window or tab, log into your external bank’s online banking portal.
Link your core checking account using the account and routing number.
Once your account is linked, you can use your bank’s online banking portal to set up recurring withdrawals from your core checking account.
Quick Tip: To ensure transfers are timed appropriately, we recommend scheduling your monthly Max optimizations to occur 1-2 days after the expected completion date of your recurring transfers. For instructions on how to update the date of your optimization, refer to: How can I change my optimization schedule?