The Max Common Application makes it easy to open one or more new high-yield savings accounts in just a few minutes by filling out a single form. If you have existing high-yield savings accounts at Barclays or Ally Bank, you can also link those accounts to Max.

To do so, log into your Max account, scroll down to the bottom of your Dashboard, select "Show More Banks," then 
select "Link Existing Account" next to the savings account that you would like to link.

Once you have linked this account to your Max account, you will need to externally link this savings account to your Max-linked checking account if you have not done so already.

Max Checking users can find their routing and account number on the "Checking" tab atop the Max Dashboard. Max Checking users can also link accounts at other online banks such as Barclays to their Max Checking account, making it easy to move money to Max's network of higher-yielding banks.

Please refer to the following for bank-by-bank instructions for linking your savings account to your Max-linked checking account.

Linking Your Checking Account to Barclays

1) Select "External accounts"

2) Select "Add bank account"

3) Provide checking account details

4) Review checking account details

Linking Your Checking Account to Ally Bank

1) At the top of the Ally Bank website, select “Transfers” then “Bank Transfers”

2) Click on “Link other accounts”

3) Select “Add Accounts”

4) Select “Checking” as Account Type and fill in the requested information

5) Verify your account:

  • instantly with your bank’s login credentials or 
  • with bank deposits

6) If you select “Verify with bank deposits,” Ally will make two small deposits into your checking account; you will then have to verify the amounts by logging into your checking account in a few days